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Border insurance of a motor vehicle is a mandatory insurance, and it is offered to the holder of a motor vehicle with foreign license plates, circulating within the territory of the Republic of Albania. The Insurer assumes the Insured’s civil liability to third parties when he is involved in an accident and is liable for material, property and / or health damages.


  • Material damages.

This includes all damages caused by the vehicle, such as damage to motor vehicles, shops, houses, trees, animals, etc., with the exception of damage to the vehicle responsible for the event.

  • Health damages.

This includes all injuries caused to various persons, including passengers, with the exception of the damage suffered by the driver of the vehicle responsible for the event. These are divided into three types:

  • Temporary disability
  • Permanent disability
  • Death


The deadline for claiming compensation from the injured third party at Albsig is 2 years from the day of the accident.

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